» addons_45beta28_01
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rendering by unc

this is the first beta28 addonpack.

it comes with a bunch of new stuff by unc regarding realtime cubemapping, ie modules for conversions between different formats. and lecloneur spent you all a humble bundle of 30 TextureFX modules. just type his name into the NodeBrowser to see the list.

there is a new TypeWriter (String) based on original code by bo27 that should come quite handy for creating onscreen keyboards.

besides that a series of fixes and new nodes by yours truly vux and woei as documented in the change-log.

remember: everything thats in the addonpack (and more) is open-source: https://github.com/vvvv/vvvv-sdk

joreg, Tuesday, Aug 14th 2012 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 5 comments  
Grandchild 14/08/2012 - 10:21

Small question, is one supposed to replace the normal lib/nodes/nodelist.xml with the addonpack's or not? Should the two be even concatenated?

Judging from the content (each file listing only its packages' nodes) obviously they are supposed to be concatenated. Do I have to do that manually or is there some way of installation that I am missing?
The page about-the-addonpack speaks of overwriting any file when asked, but that causes several standard nodes not to be found ( Camera (Transform Softimage) is an example) unless "Opened in Patch".

Elias 14/08/2012 - 10:52

after extracting the addonpack your directory structure should look like this:

Grandchild 14/08/2012 - 11:10

Aaah. Okay thanks, didn't see it like that.

The addonpack folder in the addonpack zip having similar content to the lib folder leaves room for confusion, I will edit the addonpack installation page in the near future - if that's okay - as soon as I think of a way to clear up this possible misunderstanding in a way that is similarly concise as the current installation sentence.

r4dian 14/08/2012 - 12:45

Ah, I'd done this wrong too. Thanks for clearing it up!

sunep 14/08/2012 - 13:17

I will use this opportunity again to suggest a quest for finding a more intuitive way of installing the addonpack. My estimate is that even when I show exactly how it is done, 25% of the students gets it wrong.

Couldn't we either have a "download and extract suitable addonpack" function in crack.exe or alternatively a little utility that did it that was in the vvvv folder?

I have heard that it has something to do with licenses that it is the way it is, but it would remove quite a lot of frustrations among beginners if it was made easier/more intuitive to install the addonpack correctly

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~20h ago

joreg: The summer season of vvvv workshops at The NODE Institute is out: https://thenodeinstitute.org/ss24-vvvv-intermediates/

~22h ago

domj: If you happen to be in Prague, come join us at the Schema workshop on Thursday 25.4. :) https://www.facebook.com/events/395516526614988/?ti=ls

~13d ago

joreg: Postponed: Next vvvv beginner course starting April 29: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/vvvv-beginner-class-summer-2024/

~1mth ago

~1mth ago

joreg: The Winter Season of vvvv workshops is now over but all recordings are still available for purchase: https://thenodeinstitute.org/ws23-vvvv-intermediates/