Ord Bug (Beta 29)

hi there,

this is weird in beta 29, but works fine in beta 28.1:

messed up some of my rs232 stuff…

ord_bug_beta29.v4p (4.4 kB)

technically ASCII is only defined from 0 to 127. but you’re right, the behavior changed, which is no good and therefore i fixed it for betas>29. thanks for pointing that out.

also you could consider using the new RAW nodes when dealing with rs232 stuff as those are here to get rid of such potential string/encoding-related problems.

i am aware of the new raw pin of the RS232 (Devices) node.
unfortunately there is a problem with that:

the device i am working with has a baudrate of 230400, which is not available in the baudrate-enum. i therefore have to use RS232 (Devices Spreadable) which supports only string input (i know that this is bad when moving to 64-bit vvvv becaus iirc this node is not available there).

is there a possibility using the genuine RS232 (Devices) i do not see?

k then until the plugin is fixed for RAW i added your baud-rate to the native node. untested. hope it works for you.

just a quick test with the latest alpha appears to work with the new baudrate of 230400 - thanks a gazillion!

also the Ord node works as expected now.

and just to point this out: the bug was reported at 05:47 and fixed three hours later. and this on a sunday evening…

you devvvvs rock, that has to be said!