» Prototyping Interfaces - Interactive Sketches with VVVV
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Prototyping Interfaces - Interactive Sketches with VVVV

credits Students: Jan Barth (jancouver), Roman Stefan Grasy (roman_g), Mark Lukas, Markus Lorenz Schilling (dl-110) Academics: Prof. Hartmut Bohnacker, Prof. Ralf Dringenberg

Interaction designers develop our digital everyday life. They concept, sketch and create new possibilities of interaction, which are evaluated with functional and technical prototypes.

Prototyping Interfaces

The book “Prototyping Interfaces – Interactive Sketches with VVVV” covers within 280 pages the applied handling of interactive sketches with the visual programming language VVVV.

It is divided into two main chapters, a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part concerns the definition and the meaning of the term “prototype” in the designprocess.


The practical part of the book branches the basics of the visual programming language VVVV and how to control different electronic components with Arduino and VVVV. Beginning from the use of different sensors and actuators to modern tracking technologies like the xBox Kinect, different examples are explained within a wide range of tutorials.

Wiring Diagram

Additional to the book a website is launched within the user finds the patches for every single example described in the book. Also the website provides technical support and a playground which can be used to upload and share private projects.


“Prototyping Interfaces - Interactive Sketches wit VVVV” is addressed to designstudents, interaction designers and media artists.

The project is the Bachelor Thesis of
Jan Barth (jancouver)
Roman Stefan Grasy (roman_g)
Mark Lukas
Markus Lorenz Schilling (dl-110)

It was developed during the winter term 2011/2012 at the University of Applied Sciences Schwäbisch Gmünd.

We would like to say thanks to:
Prof. Hartmut Bohnacker
Prof. Ralf Dringenberg
Joreg Dießl
Elias Holzer
Julia Laub
Andreas Brendle
Sabrina Hauser
Alex Beim
Götz Wintergerst
Ron Jagozinski
Jussi Ängeslevä
Prof. Steffen Süpple
Christian Engler
VVVV Community

If you have questions of any kind don´t hesitate to drop a line to hello@prototypinginterfaces.com or visit our websitehttp://www.prototypinginterfaces.com

dl-110, Monday, Feb 13th 2012 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 17 comments  
katzenfresser 13/02/2012 - 15:34


gregsn 13/02/2012 - 16:42

wow! this looks reallly good!

"fail fast." alone is a quote that just sticks!
wonderful design all over the place...

is that real?

elliotwoods 13/02/2012 - 16:47


this looks beautiful / highly useful / inspiring

Can I ask whether there is / will be an English version?

u7angel 13/02/2012 - 18:41

absolutely awesome. finally a book with v4 instructions

m4d 13/02/2012 - 18:49

i want this book..

..NOW!!1 :D

Noir 13/02/2012 - 19:10

I want this book too...
english version??or only german??


ventolinmono 13/02/2012 - 20:03

Waiting for the website.

colorsound 13/02/2012 - 20:31

wow congrats looks awesome ¡¡

keep us updated with it .

Desaxismundi 13/02/2012 - 20:53
gregsn said
is that real?


dl-110 13/02/2012 - 21:43

hey vvvvolks!
thanks for your feedback and your interest. and yes... it is real ;)

but unfortunately it is "just" our bachelor thesis and therefore it is not available yet. we will update our website www.prototypinginterfaces.com in a few weeks and with it we will release additional information about a possible release. So be sure to check out the website and we will keep you updated about the future of our project!


CeeYaa 14/02/2012 - 02:03

WOW, impressive and a very well done, good looking book and website GRANDE

jannis 14/02/2012 - 02:46

very cool, hope to buy it at amazon soon.

bo27 14/02/2012 - 13:02

super amazing!

christosk 14/02/2012 - 16:36

Check this out:
it might be useful.

vhan 19/02/2012 - 19:07

Wow, Very good // 너무 흥분되는 소식이며, vvvv를 사랑하는 사람에게 기쁜소식입니다.

dl-110 29/02/2012 - 14:25

Hey Guys!
Just wanted to let you know that our website http://www.prototypinginterfaces.com is now online! Step by for further information and subscribe to our newsletter!


robe 11/09/2012 - 14:30

Any news about the english version?
ebook version would be appreciated too. () And I would buy it.


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~6d ago

joreg: Workshop on 29 05: Introduction to the core FUSE principles, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-introduction-to-core-fuse-principles/

~12d ago

joreg: Workshop on 23 05: Integrating Rhino 3D with vvvv, Signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-integrating-rhino-3d-with-vvvv/

~20d ago

joreg: Workshop on 16 05: Introduction to Shaders. Signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-introduction-to-shaders-in-vvvv/

~20d ago

bjoern: hello, I am looking for a job / project starting june. get in touch via vvvv specialists available for hire

~27d ago

joreg: Workshop on 09 05: Deepdive into the Stride 3D Engine. Signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-advanced-3d-rendering-in-vvvv-with-stride/

~27d ago

tekcor: Dear vvvv community, I am leaving my personal fundraiser here because I know many of you personally, sending love https://t.ly/iV9l_

~28d ago

joreg: Rewatch the 24th vvvvorldwide meetup here: https://www.youtube.com/live/gNszIiRAjDo?si=0RXF0pW73EUaRqGk

~28d ago

joreg: LINK - the vvvv summer camp 2024 is announced: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/link-the-vvvv-summer-camp-24/

~1mth ago

joreg: Tonight, May 3, vvvv meetup in Berlin or via stream: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/24.-vvvv-worldwide-meetup/